by rkteam | 2019. 08, 26.
PROJEKTEK Expansion of the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pest County and Érd Expansion of the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pest County and Érd Constructor: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pest County and Érd... by rkteam | 2019. 06, 21.
PROJECTS Improvement of travel quality of Kisvárda train station, phase 2 Improvement of travel quality of Kisvárda train station, phase 2 Investor:Client: MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Zrt.Contractor: Várda 2017 Konzorcium (Homlok Építő Zrt. – Penta Industry Kft.)Start of... by rkteam | 2019. 06, 19.
PROJECTS Modernisation of railway section 40 a Kelenföld (kiz) – Százhalombatta (kiz) and related facilities Modernisation of railway section 40 a Kelenföld (kiz) – Százhalombatta (kiz) and related facilities Investor: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt. Client:... by rkteam | 2019. 06, 18.
PROJECTS Touristic development of Water tower in Brenner Park and its surroundings, Szombathely Touristic development of Water tower in Brenner Park and its surroundings, Szombathely Investor: Client: Local Administration of the City of Szombathely Contractor: Homlok... by rkteam | 2019. 06, 17.
REFERENCES PROJECTS Railway nr. 20 between Székesfehérvár and Szombathely, between the sections of Veszprém – Herend 562-567 hm, and Szentgál – Városlőd-Kislőd 687-691 hm, reconstruction of route sections with faulty substructures Railway nr. 20 between Székesfehérvár...