Railway nr. 20 between Székesfehérvár and Szombathely, between the sections of Veszprém – Herend 562-567 hm, and Szentgál – Városlőd-Kislőd 687-691 hm, reconstruction of route sections with faulty substructures

Railway nr. 20 between Székesfehérvár and Szombathely, between the sections of Veszprém – Herend 562-567 hm, and Szentgál – Városlőd-Kislőd 687-691 hm, reconstruction of route sections with faulty substructures

Investor: MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Zrt.
Client: Vasútvill Kft.
Start of construction works: June, 2018
End of construction works: December, 2018

Short description of the project:


The project included two work areas on railway nr. 20, and both were route sections with faulty substructures. Due to the continuous deterioration of the sections, unilateral sinkings, twists, surface and directional flaws appeared, and it led to a speed limit of 40 km/h being introduced in the affected sections. The flaws could only be repaired by repairing the substructures. Besides the new substructures, new superstructures were also created.

The substructure of section Veszprém – Herend was reconstructed using earthwork technology, complemented by soil stabilization. The 1 trough bridge in this section was reconstructed into a frame bridge, and the drainage system was renewed.

In the section Szentgál – Városlőd-Kislőd, 6-10 m long embankments contained a significant amount of slag, so nearly the whole embankment had to be broken down and had to be rebuilt. The ditch got a special, three-dimensional erosion protection mattress. The drainage system was renewed and complemented here, too.

During the conversion, the overhead electrical supply, signalling and telecommunications systems were renewed and reconstructed, too, and in both sections, new power line poles were erected.

The biggest tasks of the project were carried out during the 2.5-month long track obstruction. As a result of the project, the railway line can be used by the scheduled trains with the original speed again.

  • Beruházó:    MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Zrt.

  • Megrendelő:    Vasútvill Kft.

  • Kivitelező:    

  • Kivitelés kezdete:    June, 2018

  • Kivitelés várható befejezése:    December, 2018

Projekt rövid ismertetése:

The project included two work areas on railway nr. 20, and both were route sections with faulty substructures. Due to the continuous deterioration of the sections, unilateral sinkings, twists, surface and directional flaws appeared, and it led to a speed limit of 40 km/h being introduced in the
affected sections. The flaws could only be repaired by repairing the substructures. Besides the new substructures, new superstructures were also created.

The substructure of section Veszprém – Herend was reconstructed using earthwork technology, complemented by soil stabilization. The 1 trough bridge in this section was reconstructed into a frame bridge, and the drainage system was renewed.

In the section Szentgál – Városlőd-Kislőd, 6-10 m long embankments contained a significant amount of slag, so nearly the whole embankment had to be broken down and had to be rebuilt. The ditch got a special, three-dimensional erosion protection mattress. The drainage system was renewed and complemented here, too.

During the conversion, the overhead electrical supply, signalling and telecommunications systems were renewed and reconstructed, too, and in both sections, new power line poles were erected. The biggest tasks of the project were carried out during the 2.5-month long track obstruction. As a result of the project, the railway line can be used by the scheduled trains with the original speed again.